Transportation & Logistics in Bhiwandi, Mumbai | Boxie Jungle

Transportation & Logistics

B2B customers may consider investing in transportation assets, and thereby secure superior service and rates from a trusted long-term partnership with their LSP. Usually, service levels and efficiency are higher in urban areas. Isolated rural communities are often served only by national posts with universal service obligations. The regional focus of CEP providers will enhance the service level for customers, especially in isolated areas along less profitable routes.

Our Services Includes

Customer expectations

Low-cost personalised service with real-time visibility
Choice of delivery channels
Participation in sharing economy


Crowd-sharing platforms increase
Blockchain technology gains ground and facilitates collaboration

Collaboration vs. competition

Collaboration between start-ups and incumbents
Start-ups complement incumbents’ service offers, particularly around last-mile delivery and supporting functions.

New entrants

Start-ups drive technology development and innovation
App developers become full-on integrators

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